Thursday, May 20, 2010

Florida.. fun in the sun.

Avril took me to the beach on my last day.. apparently this isn't the really nice beaches.. yeah.. horrible!
This is where we went for lunch! Hilarious isn't it.. so bright and crazy... but I'm not going to lie, the fish and chips were the best I have ever had. My favourite part about this restaurant.. no not the outdoor play area.. no not the giant bibs they made their seafood customers wear.. nope, not even the bright blue coloured cocktails they served where when the waitress would give it to a customer they would dump another vile of red coloured something or other in the blue drink and yell to everyone "shark in the water!".. it was rather that every hour, on the hour all staff would come out onto the 'deck' and sing The Macarena. With actions. Hilarious! Avril and I were very entertained.. and a little scared they would ask us to join in.
See they are all dancing - and hating it can I just add.. those waiters work hard for their money!
We headed back home for a little while to pick up the rest of the family to head out for my final dinner. We went to the shopping area of town.. most amazing outdoor shopping I have ever seen!
Here we all are - out for dinner. I ate Bison.. like beef, but a little different. I asked the waitress to take a photo of us all together as I knew I didn't have one with us all.. she seemed to be having difficulty with my instructions on "hold the button down half way till it beeps and focus' then push it the whole way down to take the shot".. nope she didn't get it the first time.. lets try again..
No, still not getting it.. one more? ok..
Oh dear! sigh.
Dennis had to take over. So just pretend he is in the shot.
Then breakfast the next day was in our usual spot.. the back porch where we would watch the snakes sun bake outside the shed. Lovely. And I was off to New York again! So sad to say goodbye to family again.. gulp. not going to lie I really felt sad!

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