Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A suitcase and a pipe dream

"What the hell am I doing? crap am I making a terrible mistake?" - that was what I was thinking the day before jumping on a plane to America. I'd packed my single suitcase to leave the comfort of life in Melbourne surrounded by family and friends that know me (and surprisingly still love me) and set of on an adventure to try out life abroad. "Just get on the plane" I heard the words of my very wise friend Garth "no matter what, just get ON the plane". Top words Garth - I did just get 'on the plane'. I had a teary goodbye to mum and dad at the Customs door, as I stood in the line, passport and boarding pass in hand I thought "sheesh, I have two choices right now - either bawl my eyes out like a baby or shut all those horrible feelings up and forget about how much I love everyone I am leaving. I chose the second option. Much less embarrasing. My flights were delayed by and hour but I was entertained by a strange Father and Daughter combo who were practicing yoga in the boarding lounge (yoga is not something that should EVER be practiced publicly in my opinion). These two were not phased by sticking their butts into other travelers faces, luckily I had not chosen the seats right next to them. But I was close enough to share smiles with other travelers that were also finding the display amusing.

13 hours later I was running through LAX to catch my connecting flight - luckily there were a whole bunch of travelers on the same connection so they held the flight to NY for and hour and a half for us. Score for me, not so great for the people stuck on the plane waiting for us. Sucks to be them! :)

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